#ForgottenHeroes | At the age of 19, Birju Shah won medals for India at the Asian and Commonwealth Games, forced to work as a security guard in a private firm, earning Rs 400 per day. Despite not receiving the accolades he deserves, Birju, a dedicated trainer, trained young boxers in Jharkhand who cannot afford to practice and never charged a single rupee!

A forgotten hero who worked beyond his difficulties to elevate Indian boxing to new heights.

Birju Shah, a veteran boxer from Jamshedpur, died on Sunday morning. He was fifty years old. Birju Shah, the champion boxer who once won the country honors at the world level, went through financial hardships. Neither the Boxing Federation nor the government offered assistance to this champion. They were not even considered by any organization. Boxer Birju Shah, who represented India at the Asian and Commonwealth Games and won silver and bronze, was consequently made to work as a security guard at the roti jugaad on June 2. Birju Shah’s children dropped out of school due to financial concerns. He managed to plan bread for two occasions for the family.

Birju Shah died in September 2022, at the age of 50. He is survived by his wife, son, and daughter. According to his family, he suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes, and liver illness. He went to bed after eating. He did not wake up when his family members roused him up in the morning. Following this, his family members took him to TMH, where physicians proclaimed him dead. His death rites were done at Sakchi’s Suvarna Rekha Ghat.

Birju Shah’s name was previously included as one of the top seven boxing players in the world. In 1994-95, Birju Shah won silver and bronze medals for India at the Asian Games and Commonwealth Games (Japan). Birju Shah has won numerous medals in various national tournaments. Unfortunately, Birju has been working as a security guard for the last 7 years due to the house’s terrible economic status. Birju’s father and his wife are both paralyzed.

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