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“Breaking News: Apple’s First Store in India Sets New Standard for Sustainability”

The BKC Mumbai store is a sight to behold, as it is designed to be one of the most energy-efficient Apple Store locations in the world. With a dedicated solar array and zero reliance on fossil fuels for its operations, this store sets an example for sustainability that other companies should follow.

India is a massive market for Apple, with a growing economy and a vibrant community of app developers. The country’s population is set to surpass China’s this year, making it an even more attractive market for tech companies like Apple. In fact, Apple recently set a benchmark of exporting $5 billion worth of iPhones from India, indicating the immense potential this market holds for the brand.

But what sets Apple apart from other tech companies is their commitment to sustainability. With the BKC Mumbai store, Apple is taking a step in the right direction to reduce their carbon footprint and promote clean energy.

As an Apple user, you can rest assured that the brand you love is making efforts to protect the environment while providing you with the best products and services. The future of Apple in India is promising, and with its impressive track record and commitment to sustainability, the brand is well-positioned to make a significant impact on the Indian market.

So, if you’re an Apple user in India, head to the BKC Mumbai store to experience the best of Apple products and services while contributing to a sustainable future.

Cadbury Sues Social Media Influencer Over Bournvita Video: A Cautionary Tale

On April 13, 2023, Cadbury issued a legal notice to social media influencer Revant Himantsingka(Ex Mckinsey Employee), who had posted a video on social media criticising the endorsement of Cadbury’s product Bournvita as a “health drink”. The video went viral, but Himantsingka eventually removed it from his profile before his Twitter handle was restricted and then permanently removed from the platform. In this article, we discuss the background of the incident, what led to Cadbury’s lawsuit, and what it means for social media influencers and the public.

Himantsingka, a social media influencer, runs an Instagram handle named Food Pharmer. In his recent social media post, he informed about the legal notice he received from Cadbury’s law firm. Himantsingka created a video on Cadbury Bournvita, which went viral on Instagram, receiving nearly 12 million views. He claimed that the product contained 50% sugar and criticised Cadbury for making false claims about its health benefits. He also alleged that Cadbury had added the “immunity” claim to the package due to the COVID-19 pandemic, despite not having made any changes to the product.

Cadbury Bournvita is a popular chocolate-based malted drink mix that claims to provide health benefits, including strong bones, muscles, and active brains. According to Cadbury, Bournvita contains vitamins A, C, and D, iron, zinc, copper, and selenium, which help build immunity. The company has called out the “Helps with the healthy functioning of the immune system” claim on the back of its pack for several years, even before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Himantsingka’s video attracted a lot of attention, and many people shared it on social media platforms. However, Cadbury’s legal team was not amused and sent a legal notice to Himantsingka. In response, Himantsingka removed the video and issued an apology, stating that he did not intend to infringe any trademark or defame any company. He also requested that multinational corporations not take legal action against him. Despite this, Cadbury sued Himantsingka for defamation.

The incident highlights the power of social media influencers and the impact they can have on a company’s brand reputation. It also highlights the risks that influencers face when they post content that criticises a company or its products. Social media influencers are increasingly being used by brands to promote their products, and this incident suggests that companies may take legal action against influencers who make negative comments about their products.

Social media influencers must be careful when making claims about a product’s health benefits or ingredients. Companies can sue influencers for defamation or trademark infringement if they make false claims about a product or use a company’s trademark without permission. In the case of Himantsingka, his claim that Bournvita contained 50% sugar was not accurate, and his claim that caramel colour causes cancer was also incorrect.

The incident also highlights the need for greater transparency from companies about the ingredients and health benefits of their products. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the quality of the products they consume, and they want more information about the ingredients and health benefits of the products they buy. Companies that make false claims about their products or use misleading marketing tactics risk damaging their brand reputation.

In conclusion, the Cadbury-Himantsingka incident is a cautionary tale for social media influencers, companies, and consumers. Social media influencers must be careful when making claims about a product’s health benefits or ingredients, and companies must be transparent about the ingredients and health benefits of their products. Consumers must also be vigilant and do their research before

A Womanpreneur’s Odyssey of becoming the Voice of Trust in Real Estate

“I carry in my Eyes, a dream to give a home to at least 100 families and educate 100 girl children in the near future .” Ms. Heena Sehrawat, A leading name in the Indian Realty Space and the Founder and CEO of The Heena Realty Makers and the voice of trust in the Real Estate Industry. Born and brought up in Bahadurgarh, She was a bright innocent child, whose teachers would ask her parents to make her talk contrary to normal complaints!!!

She studied at St. Thomas School, striving for perfection and organization in all she does and enjoying carrying out each task flawlessly. She Recalls incidents like being on the 7th sky when she was the only student in class unpunished by her maths teacher! And eventually heading towards engineering! The tunnel from where every Indian heads to her/his passion…..!

How and why Real Estate? 

Now the innocent being entered in the Real Estate world; learnt and grew with vigor and vision to make everything transparent and reliable. As her first ladder, She joined a company as a sales executive…but wait, From where did real estate come into the picture!? She mentions an incident where her family was trapped in a shady real estate deal, which became the first point of introduction to her. Then her mother had some shadow in the industry which eventually fetched her into the Industry.

Following the position of Sales Executive, she went to all the horizons of the business. She served in the HR department, in CRM, marketing and admin profiles. Surfing through all deeps and shallows of the industry, she brought everything from pins to cars into her knowledge.

When She joined, the number of women in the industry was on the count of fingers. male domination in the sector brought her a lot of entry barriers and hindrances in the path ahead.

She learnt, grew, won and throttled up in her career.

7 Years of the job not only brought her the profile and task management skills but also brought a lot of life lessons. Here comes the point when Corporate Politics knocked on the doors. It is never easy for some people to see others growing. She started facing a lack of coordination from the departments of the company. She remembers how people whom she supported, keeping her priorities aside brought her into the position of ‘Et Tu, Brute’. 

The Entrepreneurial Journey

Every ounce of passion shatters in a soft heart when they face this side of humanity. But she was a girl with burning passion in her eyes simultaneously carrying a shimmer of hope to bring about a change. We may say the ground may shift beneath her feet, but it never broke her stride.

Now that she was in a position of dilemma, she was a bit stressed and anxious. In such situations, a small hand of support, a faded ray of sunshine and the tiniest amount of empathy and push can do wonders! Here in the form of an angel, came her colleague Ms. Chitra Sharma.

Chitra became her backbone, brought her confidence back, and supported her in all thicks and thins of the journey. In April 2022, She quit her job and 4 months later, on her birthday, the 1st of July, The Heena Realty Makers was born. And it’s been 5 months, there’s no looking back! Chitra has been a constant pillar of support. Heena’s undying passion, resilience and grit

is the foundation of the company! Aligning with her principles, She is the voice of trust in the industry. 

Her consistent efforts have brought laurels to the company and also made her a recipient and achiever of 30+ awards!

Mission and Message

As the tagline of the company, that is, Transactions to Relations, Suggests, she believes in building relationships and trust with everyone who joins her in her journey. 

Her mission of making Real estate investments transparent and her belief in abundance for all inspired her to begin The Heena Real Estate club. Through which she educates investors and 

Guides newcomers… 

While she talks about the freshers coming into the field, She emphasized upon building relations as she does herself. She mentioned patience and focus as the prime traits of anyone associated with the Real Estate Industry.

She points to communication skills as the key factor for making it in the industry and any field in general and also advises newcomers to leverage social media and use it as a tool to bring an additional chance of results.

Predictions of upcoming trends

In her point of view, the coming era is of Residential Real Estate. Citing the urban shift and growing demand, she states that the Residential segment will witness an exponential rise. 

Pre-Rented Commercial properties will also see an upsurge, she added. She assertively mentions that Real Estate is a safe and secure investment, foreseeing the predicted recession and in long term as well. She also holds hopes of recession not finding any space in India.

All in all, her journey gives us goosebumps and inspires us to fight for what we want. Consistent and persistent efforts never go in vain. If you’re one to live a shattered-glass life come to walk with this story! You will always find a silver lining clinging on to jagged edges!!! 

Corporate Soldiers wish for her to attain greater heights and reach the highest sky and beyond!

Indian Railway’s New Rule: Waiting Ticket Will Cause You a Penalty

Indian railway is considered the lifeline of India because the Indian railway not only transports the goods and people but also connects the entire nation in one thread. 

Indian railway is words fourth-largest railway network. The Indian railway network consists of 22,593 operating trains,24 million passengers, and 203.88 million tonnes of freight daily.

Indian railway has recently introduced a new rule that “ only passengers with confirmed tickets can travel on sleeper and AC coaches” If a passenger with a waiting ticket travels in an AC coach, they are fined Rs 440 plus the fare to the next station. In sleeper coaches, the fine is Rs 250 plus the fare. Passengers also deboard the train at the next station in case of traveling without a confirmed ticket.

Indian railways this initiative was introduced for the comfort of the passengers by controlling overcrowding. But this new implementation has also led to complaints and discomfort from the passengers. Let’s delve into both the positive and negative sides of this new implementation.

1. Reducing overcrowding for a smoother journey

Indian railway has faced the perennial issue of overcrowding sinceThe advent of the railways. The root cause of this overcrowding lies in allowing traveling without a confirmed ticket.

 In the Indian railway when people travel without a confirmed ticket in sleeper and AC coaches it creates more chaos and trouble for their fellow passengers. In that case, we can say that not allowing travel without a confirmed ticket is a good decision to reduce overcrowding.

2.  Ease in travelling: 

It has been observed many times that people who are traveling without confirmed tickets create chaos for those who are traveling with confirmed tickets. Many times people who travel without confirmed tickets occupy the seats of those who have confirmed tickets. 

This situation turns into a conflict and creates lots of chaos and trouble for everyone. Hence only allowing travelers who have confirmed tickets will give a systematic approach to the railway and increase the ease of travelling for everyone.

3. Boosting revenue with rigorous checking: 

Indian Railway’s new rule will be properly implemented only by rigorous checking, this rigorous checking will help increase the revenue of the Indian Railway. 

According to 2022-2023 fiscal year data 3.6 crore people were found travelling without a ticket. This vast number of people who travel without a ticket affects the revenue and growth of the Indian railway very badly. Indian Railways’ new rule will surely reduce this revenue loss by rigorous checking.

On the one hand Indian railway, the new rule is beneficial in many ways reducing overcrowding, ease of traveling, and boosting revenue which we have discussed. But on the other hand, there are lots of other problems which the Indian railway should address let’s discuss that. 

1. Insufficient train service: 

As we all know India is a country with a vast population and railway infrastructure is inadequate. Most of the people are traveling with waiting tickets only because of insufficient train service. Indian Railways should address this key issue for better management. 

2. Sluggish process: 

The process of ticket confirmation is still manual in many places. This manual process takes lots of time and makes the entire process very sluggish. Indian railway should become more technologically driven to become fast and advanced. This will ease the entire process. 

3. Corruption: 

Most of the passengers travel without a ticket or waiting ticket because of power and corruption. Indian Railway should make very strict rules on bribery and corruption and black marketing of tickets. Unless and until there is corruption in the system no new rule can change the system. If we want to change the system we have to eradicate the corruption.

Way forward:

After looking at both sides we can say that the Indian Railways new rule is good but it’s not enough. Only by hitting the root cause of the problem, we can solve it permanently. The new rule is good but it’s only superficial. The root cause of the problem lies in solving the problems like corruption, lack of service, and sluggish processes. Well begun is half done. The new rule is a good initiative in the journey of transforming the Indian railway.

 Why India is not ready for driverless cars: detailed story.


At  Zero Mile Samvad hosted by IIM Nagpur Nitin Gadkari who is the union minister of road transport and highways made it very clear that he is against launching driverless car technology in India.  

In his speech, Nitin Gadkari mentioned “I will never allow driverless cars to come into India because it will take away the jobs of several drivers and I will not let that happen”.

Nitin Gadkari’s speech at IIM Nagpur is now a subject of the debate. To understand the depth of this debate let’s brainstorm his statement.

Following are the detailed reasons behind Nitin Gadkari’s bold statement.

1. Lead to More unemployment

India is facing a severe unemployment problem. Estimated unemployment rate(UR) for youth of age 15-29 was 10% during the year of 2022-2023. 

Bringing driverless technology to India can make the unemployment problem even worse. If driverless technology is introduced in India more than 60 to 80 lakh people will lose their jobs. This alarming number of job losses and unemployment can shake the entire economy of India.

2. Hazardous traffic conditions:

In India walking on the road is not a cakewalk. Traffic conditions are not smooth in India in comparison to other countries. Traffic conditions in India consist bus, rikshaws, cars, and sometimes bullock carts as well. In this diverse traffic situation, driverless technology can cause more cause rather than ease. This complex traffic situation can be very challenging for autonomous vehicle technology

3. Bad Infrastructure : 

Indian infrastructure in many places does not match the requirements of autonomous vehicle technology. Bad infrastructure with the combination of driverless cars can cause more accidents. That’s the also key reason why India is not ready for driverless car technology now. 

4. Costly for the layman:

Driverless car technology will be out of the reach of ordinary people of India. Only the rich can enjoy the benefits of this technology. If technology is not useful for ordinary people in India then government will not show much interest in it. That’s why Nitin Gadkari rejected the idea of driverless technology openly. 

5. No monitoring and regulation process:

Driverless car technology also needs some monitoring and regulation laws. We can not simply launch the technology without having any monitoring rules and regulations. An emergency can also occur in driverless car technology.

Without proper monitoring and regulation launching driverless technology will cause more trouble in comparison to traditional means of transport. 

The Way Forward: Innovation and Growth

India is emerging as a developing nation and soon it will be a developed nation. India is the world’s fifth-largest economy and soon will be third. If we want to grow continuously we have to evolve ourselves with the pace of technology and innovation.

 As an emerging nation and Vishwa guru, we can not simply reject technology. The future belongs to Artificial intelligence and more AI-related innovations. We have to resolve issues like bad infrastructure, low per capita income, and Bad traffic conditions to adopt driverless car technology. Only by mitigating problems, we can be more future-ready and technologically advanced.

Why did only 1.6% of Indians pay income tax in FY 2022-2023?


In India, only 1.6% of people paid income tax in FY 2022-2023 and contributed 27% of total Indian tax collection. In FY 2022-2023, 7.4 crore people filed Income tax returns but only 2.24 crore people paid the income tax. According to a report in the FY 2022-2023 70% of people claimed zero liability. 

As per Loksabha’s response in the FY year of 2019-2020 6.48 crore people filed Income tax returns which increased to 7.4 crore in the FY year of 2022-2023. On the other hand people in the domain of zero tax liability were 2.9 crores in the FY year 2019-2020 and Increased by 5.16 crore in the year 2022-2023. 

Every year more people file income tax returns but very less pay the tax. Data shows that In India very tiny portion of the population pays taxes. This data raises the question of why a very tiny population in India pays income tax. Following are some concerning reasons why Indians are not paying tax.

Thinking of tax as a burden

Most Indians think of tax as a burden. People in India think they are not getting enough service and facility which they should get from the government. When people do not get good infrastructure and services from the government they eventually lose their faith in the government. That is the key reason why tax is considered a burden in India.

Misuse of the Hindu Undivided Family Act

Most Indians use HUF(Hindu undivided family) as a tax evasion tactic. A Hindu undivided family(HUF)  is considered a ‘person’ under section 2(31) of the Income Tax Act of 1961. 

Hindu undivided family consists of all persons lineally descended from a common ancestor and includes their wife and unmarried daughters. HUF may be composed of a Large family, a small family, and a nuclear family as well. 

Members who come under the HUF do not have to pay taxes individually. Because of Income tax law, HUF is considered an Independent person(Separate legal entity). Most Indians use HUF as a tax-saving tactic. 

High-income tax in comparison to average income:

India’s income tax slab is three times of per capita GDP. In India, the tax slab starts at ₹5 lakh which is 3 times of per capita GDP. The income tax threshold is much lower in countries like Indonesia, Mexico, Philippines i.e. 1.1,0.9,0.4 of per capita GDP respectively. This means only a small % of Indians earn enough to pay the income tax. That is the core reason of Why did only 1.6% of Indians paid income tax in FY 2022-2023.

Informal sector of the economy: 

A large population of India works in the informal sector of the economy. More than half of the Indian population works in agriculture which is an informal sector of the economy. The informal sector of the economy does not pay any taxes they are exempt from the taxes. Many others work in cash-based informal jobs, which are again exempted from the tax. The informal sector does not contribute to tax paying. 

Complex tax system: 

The tax system is very complex in India in comparison to other countries. There are no legal ways of tax saving for Middle-class taxpayers. On the other hand rich can use political connections and agricultural land for tax evasion very easily. A complex tax system is one of the major reasons behind tax evasion.

The course of action: 

Taxes are the backbone of any government and country. Taxes are a significant source of revenue for the government. Taxes are the driving force behind infrastructure, education, and healthcare. If people do tax evasion then are also evading infrastructure, healthcare, and education from the country. Tax revenue also supports various government schemes which are made to target the marginalized and poor people. Only by understanding the importance of tax, we can stop tax evasion.

Yoga will be included in the Asian Games 2026 detailed story.


Asian Games in 2026 are going to be held in Japan Nagoya. Asian games of 2026 are going to be historic because, in the year 2026, yoga will be included in Asian games. This historic decision was taken in an executive board meeting of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) which was headed by acting president Randhir Singh.

The inclusion of yoga in Asian games still needed the approval of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) general assembly. The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) general meeting will be conducted on the 8th of September. If this gets approval we can see the debut of yoga in Asian games.

The story behind the curtain:

Indian Olympic Association (IOA) and the president of (IOA), PT Usha played a very important role in this development. PT Usha was the one who wrote the letter to the OCA chief on 26th June about the proposal of making yoga part of the Asian game. PT Usha mentioned in the letter that “Yoga has universal appeal and people across the world are embracing it”.

Sports Minister Manshukh Mandaviya further supported the decision of the Indian Olympic Association and its decision to include yoga in the Asian games. He mentioned that if yoga is a competitive sport it will gain more popularity, and only by making it popular we can benefit millions.

Pursuit toward Olympic gold:

We all know that after successfully hosting the G20, the current government is showing keen interest in hosting the Olympics of 2036 in India. If yoga is included in the Asian Games 2026 this will further open the door to including yoga in the Olympics as well. 

Indian Olympic Association (IOA) is doing its best to include yoga in the Olympics. This can be possible only when yoga is a Medal sport in Asian games. 

Potential Benefits of Including Yoga in the Asian Games:

Raise India’s soft power

The inclusion of yoga in the Asian Games and the Olympics will raise the profile of yoga in the whole world. The inclusion of yoga will teach India’s ancient glory to the world and will improve Indian image on a global platform. Indian government already recognizes yoga as a sport. After inclusion in Asian games yoga will be considered a sport worldwide. 

Booster for economy

The development of competitive yogasna will create a new sports industry in India which will further generate more employment. As we all know Yoga was invented in India. Yoga was practiced in the pre-Vedic era and it was systemized by the great sage Maharshi Patanjli. The inclusion of yoga in the Asian games and in the Olympics will create a compulsion in the whole world to look for Indian coaches and trainers. And this compulsion will give the extra edge to Indian yoga trainers. 


The inclusion of Yoga in the Asian games will open the door for gold in the Olympics. The inclusion of yoga will raise India’s soft power in the world. The inclusion of yoga in the Asian games gives us hope for the Olympics. In the Tokyo Olympics of 2020, India won only seven medals. The reason for this low medal count lies in the low popularity of sports other than cricket in India. The inclusion of yoga in Asian games will raise the hopes of all Indians for more medals. 

Unanticipated tariff Hikes: Why Vodafone Idea, Jio, and Airtel raised prices


From July 4, 2024 pioneer Indian telecom operators like Vodafone Idea(VI), Reliance Jio, and Bharti Airtel have all recently announced that they are going to increase prices of their prepaid and postpaid plans. Reliance Jio was the first who announce the hike in tariff.

Details of the tariff Hikes:

Details of the tariff hikes of Vodafone Idea(VI), Reliance Jio, and Airtel are the following.

  1. Vodafone Idea(VI) : 
  • Increased the entry-level plan (28-day validity) by 11% to ₹199 from ₹179.
  • Raised the price of a popular 84-day validity plan with 1.5GB/day to ₹859 from ₹719.
  • Increased the price of its annual unlimited plan by 21% to ₹3,499 from ₹2,899
  1. Reliance Jio:
  • Raised tariffs by 12-25%, with the steepest hike in some of its more premium plans.
  • The most active plan (28-day validity with 1.5GB/day) saw a 25% hike 
  1. Bharti Airtel:
  • Increased prices by 11-21% across prepaid and postpaid plans.
  • Raised tariffs in the ballpark range of about 11% for unlimited voice plans.
  • The daily data plan category saw a 20.8% hike, with the ₹479 plan (56-day validity, 1.5GB/day) increasing to ₹579

Reasons for the tariff Hikes.

To increase ARPU: ARPU which is the Average revenue per user is very low in the Indian telecom industry in comparison to other countries. Operators want to be financially ahead and compete globally which can be possible only by higher ARPU. 

Jios ARPU is 181.70₹, Airtels’ ARPU is 209₹, Vodaphone Idea’s ARPU is 146₹. To create a financially sustainable model and to compete globally average ARPU should be 300₹. Behind sustainable ARPU tariff hike is the main cause. 

Regain 5G investment:

All the Indian telecom companies have made significant investments in 5G technology. This tariff hike is also being considered to regain the investment back. All the Indian telecom companies want to insecure profitability in the telecom spectrum. 

Monetizing 5G investment

All Indian telecom companies want to monetize 5G technology higher than 4G technology. 5G technology is at the beginner level in India. The company wants to take the first mover advantage by monetizing 5G technology at a higher level. A sudden tariff hike is one of the ways to achieve Higher and sustainable growth for telecom industry.

Impact on SMEs: 

This sudden price hike can also affect SMEs(Small and medium-sized enterprises). This sudden tariff hike is also going to increase monthly telecom expenses. This tariff hike can slow down the digital transformation of the SMEs. 

Impact on the education sector:

The education sector could also be affected badly due to the Indian telecom sector price hike. Most small-town students rely on the Internet for their education. The cost of online education can increase and the affordability of students can be a big question. Price increases can also slow down the digital adaptation of education.


everything comes with two sides positive and negative. A sudden tariff hike can be positive for telecom companies but for Indian users, it’s bad news. To mitigate the bad effect small telecom players can play an important role. Small telecom players can provide the data at low rates to grab the market. This may give them additional customers. The government can also intervene and regulate these price hikes. 

Triumph Over Trials: The Inspiring Comeback of Jonathan Trott

In the glittering world of cricket, where victory and defeat often overshadow personal battles, lies an inspiring story of resilience and redemption. This is the story of Jonathan Trott, the head coach of the Afghanistan cricket team.

The year was 2013-14, and the England cricket team was gearing up for the highly anticipated Ashes series in Australia. On the other side, the Australian team, led by Michael Clarke, was preparing for a fierce contest, aiming to decimate the English batting lineup with their formidable pace attack. Clarke had requested pitches with sharp bounce and pace to unleash Mitchell Johnson, who had trained intensely to bowl at speeds exceeding 150 kmph.

Clarke’s instructions to Johnson were clear: not just to get the English batsmen out but to target their bodies with the ball like bullets, aiming to mentally and physically break them. The series saw an aggressive display of fast bowling, with the Australian captain even taunting English batsmen on the field. The Australian media and crowd added to the hostile environment, making the series resemble a boxing match rather than a cricket contest.

From the first ball to the last, Johnson’s lethal bowling terrorized the English batsmen, leading to a series whitewash in favor of Australia. Johnson was named “Man of the Series” for his outstanding performance. Amidst this intense series, Jonathan Trott, an English batsman, suffered a severe mental breakdown and fell into depression. He retired from cricket and withdrew from public life, becoming a forgotten name in the cricket world.

Years later, in a surprising turn of events, Jonathan Trott was appointed as the head coach of the Afghanistan cricket team ahead of the 2023 ODI World Cup. After almost a decade of obscurity, Trott emerged with a renewed spirit. Under his coaching, Afghanistan performed admirably, breaking through many strongholds, except one named “Maxwell.” Although Trott’s team came close to avenging their past, they fell short.

But fate had more in store for Trott. In the T20 World Cup, Afghanistan triumphed over Australia, with their players celebrating jubilantly. Jonathan Trott stood on the sidelines, watching the dejected face of Michael Clarke, now a commentator for ABC Sports, with a sense of quiet satisfaction.

Today, we stand by Jonathan Trott, see the journey of a man who rose from the depths of despair to stand tall once again, facing the world with unyielding determination.

9:15 AM Deadline & Aadhar Biometric Attendance now Mandatory for All Government Employees – Details Inside!


The Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT) which is the coordinating agency of a central government in personnel matters and also a watchdog of the government for ensuring certain standards and norms, has taken a bold step in maintaining the punctuality of employees. DOPT has released a circular that says employees have to reach their office by 9:15 AM. 

DOPT has also cleared that for any reason if the employee is not able to attend office, he or she should informed earlier and casual leave should be applied for them. 

The tale behind the scene: 

DOPT notification has not come out of the blue. The timeline behind the circular is following. 

● After winning the general election of 2014 Narendra Modi led the NDA government to bring in an Aadhar-enabled biometric attendance system to record the attendance of all government employees before the NDA attendance system was manual. 

● Due to COVID-19, the system was paused in 2020 

● The mechanism was later resumed in February 2022, But it was seen that many employees were using an old manual system. 

● Now DOPT circular has made it compulsory to use only an Adhar-enabled biometric attendance system. 

The Justification: Why Timely Attendance is Essential and Beneficial 

Government offices are open from 9 AM to 5:30 PM but government employees are infamous for their late coming and early leaving. 

Now DOPT’s circular has clearly said that “Habitual late coming and early leaving of office should be viewed seriously and discouraged”. Apart from that

DOPT has made it mandatory to use an Aadhar-enabled biometric attendance system. 

Using technology in maintaining attendance records will be surely more transparent and accurate. Using an Aadhar-enabled biometric attendance system will leave no scope for flaws. This will surely make the government employees more punctual and sincere. 

According to the report, the circular has asked employees to inform in advance if they are unable to attend office on a given day. This will also control the arbitrary behavior of government employees. 

DOPT notification is surely going to improve efficiency in government functioning. 

Inside Government Employees’ Concerns 

Most Senior officer’s main concern is that they often work beyond their fixed working hour. They also complain that after post-COVID covid most of the working files are available online. 

Sometimes employees have to work from home even after completing their office hours. 

Final thoughts 

There is no doubt that the DOPT initiative is bold and for better efficiency of government. On the other hand voice of government employees should not be neglected completely. Their feedback and concerns should not be overlooked. Only by listening concerns of employees, a positive work atmosphere can be created. Which is more important to improve efficiency in comparison to making a strict schedule.

Nalanda University Reopens After 1600 Years, Inaugurated by PM Modi-Check exclusive timeline of events since inception 


Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Bihar, June 19, to inaugurate the new Nalanda University Campus in Rajgir. It is the first time the Prime Minister has visited Bihar since forming the third consecutive government. The historic inauguration took place at 10:30 am and was followed by an address of the gathering, in which ambassadors from over 17 partner countries were present. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, the chief of JD(U), Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar (NDA’s Partner), and Governor Rajendra Arlekar were also present.

A Special Day For Education

Prime Minister Narendra Modi regarded the occasion as a special day for the nation’s education sector. The Prime Minister took to his X (formerly Twitter) account to add a post that said:

“It’s a very special day for our education sector. At around 10:30 a.m. today, the new campus of Nalanda University will be inaugurated in Rajgir. Nalanda has a strong connection with our glorious part. This university will surely go a long way in catering to the educational needs of the youth.”

The New Campus: A Closer Look

The new campus is named after the ancient university, which attracted scholars from around the globe about 1600 years ago. The campus is “Net Zero Campus”, and it has been engineered to be self-sustaining through solar plants, a water recycling plant to make wastewater and 100 acres of water bodies reusable, and a domestic and drinking water treatment plant. 

Nalanda University was set up in 2010 and is located less than 20 km from the ancient ruins of the original university, which is now also a World Heritage Site, Nalanda Mahavira. 

Before it was set up, a proposal to establish the international university and its namesake as an ancient site of learning was endorsed by member countries at the East Asia Summit.

However, it was the then president, the late APJ Abdul Kalam, who advocated for the ancient university’s revival during his address at a joint session of the Bihar Assembly. The university was conceived as a collaboration between India and East Asia Summit (EAS) countries.

Highlights from the Inauguration Ceremony

As Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated, it is a special day for the education sector of our country, as students, both Indian and international, can now attend the international university. 

It has two academic blocks of 40 classrooms with a capacity of 1900, two 300-seat auditoriums, an international center, a sports complex, a 2000-seat amphitheater, and a hostel for 550 students. Students would be able to pursue postgraduate and doctoral research courses, and there are over 137 scholarships for international students.

Through the historic inauguration, Nalanda University would again attract scholars from around the world, just as it did with the ancient university 1600 years ago.

Nalanda University: Ancient Glory to Modern Revival

  • 5th Century CE: Nalanda University is founded, becoming a leading center of learning known for its broad curriculum and scholarly achievements.
  • 5th-6th Centuries CE: Flourished under Gupta Empire patronage, attracting scholars and students from across Asia.
  • 7th Century CE: Thrives under Emperor Harsha; Chinese scholar Xuanzang visits and documents its grandeur.
  • 9th-12th Centuries CE: Begins gradual decline despite remaining influential.
  • 1193 CE: Destroyed by Turkic Muslim forces, marking its end.
  • 19th Century: Rediscovered through archaeological excavations.
  • 1951: Nava Nalanda Mahavihara was established for Buddhist studies near the ruins.
  • 2009: East Asia Summit endorses Nalanda University revival.
  • 2010: Nalanda University Act passed, re-establishing the university.
  • 2014: Modern Nalanda University inaugurates academic activities.
  • 2017: Vijay Pandurang Bhatkar was appointed as chancellor.
  • 2021: Launches master’s and doctoral programs in Humanities.
  • 2024: Admissions open for the academic year 2024-2025, continuing its academic legacy.

Therefore, the  recent regeneration of Nalanda University depicts India’s commitment to social justice and sustainable development goals towards world education aspirations. This university is equipped with modern facilities, and it had its roots in the 5th century. It is a university that aims to foster learning and scholarly activities and also collaborate with universities in other countries. 


Gemini AI stands as an innovative technology utilizing two neural networks, AlphaNet and BetaNet, working together. This dual-network system merges the analytical strength of AlphaNet with BetaNet’s nuanced understanding, resembling human thinking. It excels in problem-solving, empathetic decision-making, and adaptive learning, showcasing a breakthrough in AI. By combining these networks, Gemini AI bridges the gap between standard data-driven AI and human-like comprehension, offering a transformative approach to artificial intelligence.

Understanding Gemini AI

Gemini AI stands apart by harnessing the amalgamation of human-like cognition and artificial intelligence capabilities. Rooted in its dual neural network architecture, this technology converges the analytical precision of AI algorithms with the nuanced understanding and contextual awareness akin to human thought processes.

Importance of Gemini ai in future 

1. Enhanced Problem-Solving: Gemini AI’s dual-network architecture augments problem-solving abilities, blending analytical precision and nuanced understanding to tackle complex challenges across diverse domains more effectively.

2. Empathetic AI: Its fusion of human-like comprehension enables empathetic decision-making, essential in customer service, healthcare, and education, improving user experiences and personalized interactions with machines.

3. Human-AI Collaboration: Gemini AI facilitates seamless collaboration between humans and machines, streamlining processes in various fields, from healthcare to finance, by understanding human cues and contexts.

4. Adaptive Learning: With its adaptive learning capabilities, Gemini AI tailors experiences, making education more personalized and effective, recognizing individual learning styles and adapting content accordingly.

5. Future AI Evolution: Gemini AI sets a precedent for future AI systems, emphasizing the importance of integrating human-like understanding into intelligent machines, shaping a future where AI complements human abilities more seamlessly.

Human-Centric Approach

Unlike traditional AI models that primarily focus on data processing and pattern recognition, Gemini AI mimics human cognitive processes, fostering a more comprehensive and empathetic approach to problem-solving. It leverages dual networks—a structure inspired by the human brain—to simulate analytical thinking alongside contextual comprehension.

The Fusion of Human Understanding and AI

Contextual Interpretation

Gemini AI’s dual-network architecture facilitates a deeper understanding of context—a facet traditionally challenging for AI systems. The integration of the AlphaNet, adept at data processing, with the BetaNet, specializing in contextual interpretation, enables nuanced comprehension of information within varying contexts, mirroring human cognition.

Empathetic Decision-Making

By amalgamating the computational abilities of AI with human-like understanding, Gemini AI transcends conventional systems, exhibiting a degree of empathy in decision-making. The BetaNet’s capability to grasp subtle cues and emotional context empowers the system to make more empathetic and contextually appropriate choices.

Applications in Real-world ScenariosCustomer Service

In customer service domains, Gemini AI shines by comprehending not just the literal queries but also the underlying emotions and intentions of customers. This unique blend of analytical processing and contextual understanding enables the system to provide personalized and empathetic support, enhancing user experiences. 

Human-Machine Collaboration

Gemini AI paves the way for enhanced collaboration between humans and machines. Its ability to understand human cues and context facilitates smoother interactions, leading to more effective partnerships in fields such as healthcare, where the system assists medical professionals by synthesizing vast amounts of data into actionable insights.

Ethical Considerations and Challenges

Despite its potential, Gemini AI confronts ethical considerations and technical challenges. Ensuring the system’s ethical conduct, maintaining user privacy, and addressing biases within the dual-network architecture pose significant hurdles that necessitate continual evaluation and refinement.

The Future LandscapeGemini AI heralds a transformative era where AI systems move beyond data-driven decision-making to encompass human-like understanding. This technology’s fusion of analytical prowess with empathetic comprehension sets the stage for a future where machines seamlessly integrate into human activities, complementing and augmenting human capabilities.

The fusion of Gemini Ai and statistical data Gemini AI renowned, for its predictive capabilities, thrives on the integration of statistical data. The symbiotic relationship between AI and statistics offers a multitude of benefits, fundamentally transforming the way we perceive and utilize data – driven insight.

Enhanced Precision: Gemini AI merges statistical data, refining predictions for pinpoint accuracy.

Deeper Insights: Statistical analysis provides nuanced trends, empowering Gemini AI to reveal hidden patterns.

Robust Risk Management: Integration of AI and statistical data identifies outliers, bolstering proactive risk mitigation.

Adaptive Models: Statistical data enables versatile models, adapting swiftly to changing dynamics.

Transparency & Validation: Statistical grounding enhances interpretability, fostering trust in Gemini AI’s insights, ensuring credibility. 

In a nutshell, Gemini AI is like the ultimate matchmaker between humans and AI. It brings together the power of AI with the intuition and understanding of humans. With its ability to dive deep into the meaning behind our words and respond with empathy, it’s like having a virtual buddy who truly gets you. Gemini AI is all about transparency and making AI more personalized, human-like, and awesome. As it continues to evolve, it’s like a superhero AI in the making. So, get ready to experience a whole new level of AI awesomeness with Gemini AI.

Historic Milestone for Indian Railways: World’s Highest Railway Bridge on Chenab River


Indian Railways achieved a historic milestone as the ” Engineering Marvel of the Modern World”, Chenab Railway Bridge had its successful trial run of the first train on June 16, 2024. The 46 km Sangaldan to Reasi stretch would be inspected by the Commissioner of Railway Safety, DC Deshwal, over 2 days. 

The world’s highest railway steel bridge is built over the majestic Chenab River in Jammu and Kashmir. The main aim of this technical and engineering marvel is rooted in a more significant project. It is the Indian Railway Network’s intention to make the Kashmir Valley accessible and establish railway connectivity throughout the Ramban district and Reasi region.

The Historical Milestone

The first trial successfully ran from Sangaldan to Reasi, marking the completion of the rail link between the Kashmir Valley and the rest of the country. Ashwini Vaishnaw, the Railway Minister, proudly announced this achievement, highlighting that all the construction work for the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link had nearly been completed, and only Tunnel No.1 remains partially unfinished. 

Ashwani Vaishnaw mentioned this on his X account: “1st trial train has successfully run from Sangaldan to Reasi, including crossing the Chenab Bridge. All construction works for the USBRL are nearly finished, with only tunnel No.1 remaining partially incomplete..”

Deepak Kumar, Chief Public Relations Officer of the Northern Railway, emphasized the happiness and hard work of the labourers and engineers in this project. He stated:

“Today, the wagon tower has reached Reasi station. We are very happy and proud that we have succeeded. The laborers and engineers have been working hard for a long time, and today, they have finally succeeded. The rail service will start soon on this bridge..”

Big congratulations to Deepak Kumar and everyone involved and committed to offering their relentless efforts to complete this visionary project. The enhanced connectivity to the rest of the country would also boost the area’s economic growth, as tourism would increase due to the connectivity.

About The Project

In this creative project, trains operate along the railway line from Kanyakumari to Katra, while services run from Baramulla to Sangaldan in the Valley. The Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link project is planned to be completed by year-end. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the USBRL project, which also includes the 48.1 km long Banihal-Sangaldan section, on February 20, 2024.

It all began in October 2009 with Phase 1, which inaugurated the 118 km-long Qazigund-Baramulla section. The following phases witnessed the inauguration of the 18 km-long Banihal-Qazigund section in 2013. 

In July 2014, the 25 km-long Udhampur-Katra section was also inaugurated. A project spanning 272 km, USBRL has seen 209 km of sections inaugurated in its various phases, making it a vital infrastructural link for the country.

World’s Eighth Wonder

Reasi Deputy Commissioner Vishesh Mahajan, immensely proud of the project, told the media, “This is an engineering marvel of the modern world. The day when the train will reach Reasi will be a game-changing day for the district. It is a proud moment for us, as our engineers have created a marvel. It is the eighth wonder of the world. The bridge, the wind speed, and its strength are wonderful. The exact date cannot be said, but I hope the day comes soon.”

The Deputy Chief Engineer of Konkan Railways, Sujay Kumar, stated that seeing through this visionary project was very challenging. He also said:

“People being affected by this project are all very happy. We hope everything will be completed soon.”

Exciting Times Ahead

Exciting times are ahead for Indian Railways and the beautiful state of Jammu and Kashmir as the 1,315-meter-long bridge, constructed 359 meters above the Chenab and even taller than the Eiffel Tower,  becomes part of the project that connects the Kashmir Valley to the rest of India. 

This visionary project showcases the talent and hard work of our nation’s highly proficient and skilled engineers. The Chenab Railway Bridge is seen as an engineering marvel of the modern era. It would not only connect the Kashmir Valley to the country but also boost tourism.