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Here’s How to Find the Best No Medical Exam Life Insurance


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Buying life insurance can be confusing with so many providers and coverage types to choose from. Choosing may be even more difficult if you have pre-existing medical conditions or other issues that prevent you from getting approved for traditional life insurance coverage.

One option to consider is no medical exam life insurance. With this insurance coverage, there’s no need to head to a doctor’s office or lab for an examination or have blood drawn. Sometimes, you may need to answer questions regarding your health, but generally, it’s a much less invasive process.

No medical exam life insurance typically costs more than traditional coverage but is a godsend for individuals who may not qualify for coverage any other way. Keep reading to learn how to find the best no medical exam life insurance for your needs.

What is no medical exam life insurance?

Some insurance providers allow you to qualify for life insurance without a medical exam. Generally, many insurers require a medical exam to assess an individual’s health and determine rate class and insurance premiums. Medical exams may include blood tests, urine samples, and other tests to assess your health status.

With no medical exam insurance, you can qualify for life insurance coverage without revealing details of your health, although often at a higher cost than traditional life insurance. Without a medical exam, insurers take on greater risk and charge customers accordingly for that risk.

Discover: Save on your life insurance with one of these companies

More: Check out our top picks for life insurance companies

There are typically two types of no medical exam life insurance available:

  1. Simplified issue life insurance: Insurance providers require you to answer health questions and provide medical records in place of an exam.
  2. Guaranteed acceptance life insurance: Insurance companies offering this type of coverage do not require you to provide any health information, only to meet age restrictions and other underwriting requirements.

Why do some insurance providers require a medical exam?

Insurance companies take on risk every time they provide coverage for a customer. To lessen the financial risk, insurers often require applicants to undergo a medical examination by an approved medical provider. You must meet the insurance company’s underwriting guidelines to qualify for coverage. A medical examination often determines the coverage level you’ll receive.

Medical exam requirements vary between insurers but often include a thorough medical exam, a deep dive into your medical history, and providing urine and blood samples. Some companies may require you to get X-rays or an EKG, especially if your medical history reveals you may be at higher risk for specific medical conditions. There’s no way for insurers to predict the likelihood of an insurance claim, but a medical exam can help them determine the statistical risk of insuring an individual based on their health.

Who should consider life insurance without a medical exam?

If you’ve been declined coverage because of pre-existing health conditions, no medical exam life insurance may allow you to obtain sufficient coverage. It’s also a great option for individuals who work in high-risk occupations like firefighting or construction, or who participate in high-risk activities such as rock climbing or skydiving.

No medical exam life insurance is typically more expensive than other life insurance types and provides fewer coverage options. Traditional coverage is often a better option if you are in good health and qualify for lower premiums.

Tips for finding the best no medical exam life insurance

Finding the right insurance provider can help you save money and provide a partner that’s easy to work with long-term. Consider the following tips when searching for the best no medical exam life insurance:

  • Determine your insurance needs: No-exam life insurance policies are often limited compared to traditional policies. Calculate how much coverage you need for yourself and your family to determine if life insurance coverage without a medical exam is right for you.
  • Pay attention to requirements: While you may not need a medical exam, insurance providers may still require you to share details concerning your health and medical history. If there are any concerns, they may require you to provide more information, Some insurers may require you to be in excellent health to get approved for a policy.
  • Consider other benefits: Some no-exam life insurance policies are more restrictive than others. Look for additional benefits outside of saving money, such as convertibility to permanent coverage, multiple term lengths, high customer support ratings, and more.
  • Be honest: Regardless of what type of health information is required, provide accurate personal and health information during the application process. Insurance companies verify application information and could deny coverage if they determine you provided false information. If you’re approved for coverage, the provider could deny insurance claims after your passing if they think you lied on your application.

Determine your needs and choose a policy that provides enough coverage for your family after you pass away. Shop around to find insurance companies that offer policies you qualify for that match your needs.

Our picks for best life insurance companies

Life insurance is essential if you have people depending on you. We’ve combed through the options and developed a best-in-class list for life insurance coverage. This guide will help you find the best life insurance companies and the right type of policy for your needs. Read our free review today.

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